A forum friend (Thanks Barb!!) told me how to use empty capsules and resin to make bottles/potions. This was the first time I had worked with either so it was a definite trial and error process, but I'm happy with the results. Not shown are a bunch of rejects (overfills and other oops). I created the labels in Paint Shop Pro and shrunk them down when I printed them. This is a series of bath oil blends. I think I'm going to be busy with bottle making for a while. HAHA!
I also took a few hours and quickly whipped together a distressed workbench that I'm now pondering on what to do with it. Originally I had thought about putting together a Jack-O-Lantern in progress scene, but then I started playing around and made some sweet potatoes and regular potatoes. Now I'm thinking a Autumn harvest scene. Gosh, I don't know. I really don't need another project, but is there ever a time when we mini lovers have just one project going at a time? I'm thinking not.
Anyway, here are some pictures of the workbench. I haven't really done much furniture building before so I'm really pleased with the outcome!
Well that is all for now. Remember if you want to see the pictures bigger, just click on them.
Oh, and before I forget, the forum that I belong to is fairly new and everyone is so wonderful on there. You'll find some AMAZING talent on there. Hopefully the owner won't mind me posting this. :-) Hey Pam!! I'm asking forgiveness just in case. LOL Here is a link to it. http://meca1.com/forum/index.php